Tuesday 11 October 2011

How It All Started......

The Golden Sword
prolouge .
  It was a hot summer day in the kingdom of Palaemon.
The suns burning hot rays came down on a seven-year-old named Lance Loin  as he calmly lay on his favourite hill. “This is a great day” he muttered to his young pet wolf, Claw.  Lance had short brown hair. He wore a leather Tunic, light brown torn pants, and black boots. Claw had pure black fur and was very protective of Lance. They were always out in the nice weather playing. Lance was tired of climbing his tree’s and such, so he slowly shut his eyelids together, and happily drifted off to sleep.

He woke up 3 hours later in the middle of a storm. He was soaking wet and it was hard to see.He felt around for Claw as a lightnining stroke a nearby tree and fire lit up the area. In the distance he saw his castle, Palaemon. It was under attack and dead or  hurt people lay everywhere. A small tear fell from Lances face as it turned red as he sobbed. His family was probably dead. He gasped as a red orb surrounded the castle and it blew up like modern day dynamite. The ground shook. Lance looked at Claw, who was worried so much he hid between Lances legs "w- we're gonna be o- okay.." Lance stuttered.


  1. I love the idea of a prologue to begin your story, The Golden Sword! It sets everything up in such a way that I already feel attached to the characters Lance and Claw. I am eager to know more about their story and if there is any hope for Castle Palaemon. Has it been reduced to rubble and will Lance and Claw have to set out and rebuild a life on their own? Any who is the powerful enemy with such destructive red orbs?

    Keep writing and let me know when it is time for me to read! This is definitely exciting!

  2. By the way, I really like your choice of background and colour on your blog! Nice job Fireball!

  3. thanks for the comments littlesardine!!
