Friday 14 October 2011

Chapter 1-A Royal Gift

  Lance lifted his heavy wooden bow and aimed at a deer in the distance. “Hey we’re having deer tonight.” He grinned as Claw howled with excitement. The arrow flew threw  the air and was struck by a shining blade. A black hooded figure twisted the blade.  It’s gold hilt shimmered in the bright light of the sun. He flipped onto a jet black horse with a neat and long white mane. Lance turned his head slightly “should we?-“ his pet wolf nodded before Lance could finish.
 Both ran at top speed through the dark damp forest. Rain from the night before covered every inch of grass and leaves.  They ran uphill, the boy grinned as he knew there was  a cliff ahead. The black horse halted to a stiff stop at the top as Claw growled something at it.
 The mystery man  dropped his sword. The emerald, the centre of the flashing hilt, cracked a tiny bit upon falling onto the dusty dirt covered cliff. At first it tipped a little, then it’s sharp end started pointing toward the tree’s off the mountain, and in the space of an endless 10 seconds, the mystery man, along with the sword fell of the mountain. Lance, mouth dropped moved over to the edge to see that the unknown person had abconded. He wasn’t in a tree or hiding behind rocks. The man was gone.
“Where do you think he went Claw?” the teenager asked his only friend. The sunlight dimmed .
“Lets head back to our cavern, It’s not worth it..” He said with a worried expression. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 There small cavern or “home” lit up in the bright morning light. 
 “Ahhh  go away you irritating morning!” Lance stood up in his dirty out-grown dirt brown tunic.  He decided to go look around while Claw was asleep.  He slipped on a rock while climbing up the mountain that supplys the roof for their cave.       
“You need a hand?” A deep voiced man asked.                                                          
“Fine thanks” Lance answered without turning to look at the tall man.
“Names Sir Luke Of Feneral”
The man was a knight. His chainmail armor was a bright silver and he looked      prepared for anything.
“Do you know where I can find the kingdom of Palamon, young sir?”
He stopped thinking at the thought of the question. Had no one heard of Palaemon’s disapearance? The thoughts of his life 8 years agp shocked him. He looked up and answered
“That place disappears years ago!”
“Stop with the joke kid.  Wheres Palamon?”
“Tell me-“
“I told it’s gone! Poof! Abconded!”
“Fine, do you know where i can find anyone who i can give this package to? I’d prefer someone from Palamon...”
“I- I’m the only survivor” he mutter as the horror of watching his whole life fell apart that day 8 years ago
“GREAT!” he shouted. A group of squirrels ran up a tree at the loud sound.
“Put whats in there?”
“I really dont know. The king told me 2 years and 3 months ago to bring this package to Palamon.
“Th- the king?” Lance slowly replied                                                                        “Something about a useful item...? here take it”
He put a hand in his bag and took out a red and silver package,
(red and silver being the  countries colours)                                                                          He unrapped the shining gift and inside was a gold blade with a red glistening  ruby.    
“For me?”                                                                                                                                               “He said someone in Palamon will save us all.”
“That i do not-“
An arrow flew threw the morning air and landed in the back of the Knights Helm. The helm became dark as some type of energy flowed through it.
“Sav-eee the wo- world” Luke cried out.
“Uh- uh okay”
 Everything Lance had (which wasn’t much) was packed up in a small leather bag. He and Claw where off to Herkenshire, a city about a week or two from the place they were at. Thats if they found the right path...
 That wasn’t very common of him....

Tuesday 11 October 2011

How It All Started......

The Golden Sword
prolouge .
  It was a hot summer day in the kingdom of Palaemon.
The suns burning hot rays came down on a seven-year-old named Lance Loin  as he calmly lay on his favourite hill. “This is a great day” he muttered to his young pet wolf, Claw.  Lance had short brown hair. He wore a leather Tunic, light brown torn pants, and black boots. Claw had pure black fur and was very protective of Lance. They were always out in the nice weather playing. Lance was tired of climbing his tree’s and such, so he slowly shut his eyelids together, and happily drifted off to sleep.

He woke up 3 hours later in the middle of a storm. He was soaking wet and it was hard to see.He felt around for Claw as a lightnining stroke a nearby tree and fire lit up the area. In the distance he saw his castle, Palaemon. It was under attack and dead or  hurt people lay everywhere. A small tear fell from Lances face as it turned red as he sobbed. His family was probably dead. He gasped as a red orb surrounded the castle and it blew up like modern day dynamite. The ground shook. Lance looked at Claw, who was worried so much he hid between Lances legs "w- we're gonna be o- okay.." Lance stuttered.